Apply Now! Targeting meat producers and small/medium sized processors in support of producing safe, high-quality meat products by assisting processors with state and federal regulations, creating workforce training activities, like meat cutter training, sanitation, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), processed meats, meat cookery, and education on humane animal handling and stunning. You will be expected to be an effective communicator with teaching methods ranging from traditional one on
Michigan State University ExtensionApply Now! Work with tree fruit growers and conduct applied research both in grower orchards and research centers to respond to tree fruit grower needs research and Extension programs that address themes related to fertility, soil health, regenerative agriculture, climate resiliency, pruning, training systems, plant growth regulators or other related topics in tree fruit production. Michigan is the second-most agriculturally diverse state in the United States, and is the leading tart cherry, and 3rd
Michigan State University Extension
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