The Power of Asian America
Still the nation’s fastest-growing population segment, Asian-Americans are about 20.5 million strong and represent 6% of the U.S. population. From 2009-2014, the Asian-American population grew 25%. With immigration from Asian countries continuing to boost the American population, U.S. Census projections show the Asian-American population will reach 25.7 million by 2019.
Whether you are looking to grow your business through networking, raise your profile within the business community, gain market reach to the Asian communities or to save money on business services, the Chamber is the place for you and your employees to get connected.
Becoming an event sponsor for APACC signature events will give your company an opportunity for brand positioning among affluent minority business professionals which include Michigan's leading Asian Pacific American business owners, influential corporate and civic leaders.
Communication Sign-Up
Stay updated on recent events, news, happenings and business.
2019 APACC Blood of the Dragon
APACC Gala "Out of Many, One"
APACC East-West Business Connection
APACC Salute to Excellence Awards
APACC Mission
APACC Mission
To facilitate business relationships among Asian and U.S. based companies and to promote the economic advancement of Asian Pacific Americans.
Relationships, mutual mentorship, and support build successful businesses. APACC strives to provide its members with information that is current and important in making strategic business decisions. We continuously identify timely topics and seek leaders in their field to address them from different perspectives to enhance their knowledge and network base in this global economy.
Your Gateway to Asian/Pacific Islander American and U.S. Businesses
Building Business. Building Community.