• Extension Educator - Integrated Pest Management Extension Educator

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    As part of MSU Extension (MSUE) and the Agriculture and Agribusiness Institute (AABI), this position provides local as well as statewide leadership and educational programming expertise in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in tree fruit, primarily apples. This position will have statewide responsibilities and will collaborate across work teams, Institutes, and community groups, working with faculty, specialists, and educators for overall advancement of the needs of the Institute clientele.
    Michigan ranks first in the production of tart cherries and third in apple production within the United States. This position is based in the heart of the largest apple growing region in Michigan.

    In this position, you will identify, design, implement, and evaluate research-based educational programs that meet current and projected outreach needs related to the needs of the apple and tree fruit industries. Through your leadership, you will be expected to be an effective communicator and ensure dissemination of research- based information through various methods, including multi-media, distance education technologies, social media, written articles, and in-person meetings, and will provide growers, processors, and agri-business professionals with the knowledge to profitably produce their crop, while minimizing environmental impact. You will provide support to tree fruit growers in west Michigan to improve the sustainability of their industries. This can include but is not limited to monitoring pests and conducting Integrated Crop Management training sessions to encourage adoption of new technologies and techniques in horticulture and pest management. While you will focus on IPM efforts, you will also be expected to fully understand and take a holistic approach to tree fruit systems. Your work will include completing on-farm consultations, virtual and in-person meetings, developing educational materials, conducting demonstrations, and/or participating in on-going field research.
    Through collaboration in research, engagement with community members, and dissemination of research-based information through various methods, including in-person and multimedia programming and written communications, you will explore and implement programs that lead to knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that will improve the viability of the tree fruit industries. You will also develop, produce, and deliver tree fruit integrated pest management outreach materials with messaging and content that is accessible and inclusive and is consistent with the Agriculture and Agribusiness Institute messaging. This information will be essential to help Michigan tree fruit producers compete nationally and internationally with modern growing systems that incorporate cutting edge and technologically advanced IPM strategies, so to assist farmers to grow, harvest, and market a high-quality crop.
    Your work will include close collaboration with colleagues at MSU and MSU Extension, as well as the diverse network of partner groups that include regional and state horticultural societies and commodity associations. Acting as a statewide point of contact, you will provide support for AABI in determining research and programmatic needs across the state and will communicate and interact with commodity groups to evaluate the needs of the clientele.
    This position may be eligible to utilize a flexible work environment, however, there is an expectation to work from the Kent County Extension Office, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The needs, responsibilities, and opportunities of an individual’s position and office location drive the ability and amount of work-location flexibility.

    View full description and apply through the MSU careers page. Search for posting 1017305 using the Job Search field.
    Application Deadline: February 17, 2025


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